2018 SCALE Users’ Group Workshop

SCALE Users' Group Workshop 2018
SCALE Users’ Group Workshop 2018

The 2nd SCALE Users’ Group Workshop was held August 27-29, 2018, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The workshop provided a highly interactive forum for a fruitful exchange between SCALE users and developers and included a mix of short presentations, open discussions, and tutorial sessions. A morning plenary session was held the first day. For the rest of the meeting, there were three concurrent tracks at any time. The concurrent tracks were: (1) technical presentations; (2) scalehelp live; and (3) hands-on tutorials. A poster session was held the evening of August 27. Topical areas for technical presentations included:

  • LWR reactor modeling with SCALE
  • Advanced reactor modeling with SCALE
  • Reactor safety analysis with SCALE
  • Validation, verification, and uncertainty quantification
  • Decommissioning, disposal and spent nuclear fuel burnup credit
  • Applications of SCALE for nuclear criticality safety practitioners
  • Applications of SCALE to nuclear safeguards and security
  • Integration of SCALE capabilities for multiphysics analysis

The following tutorials were offered:

  • Linking external C++ or Fortran software to the ORIGEN API
  • Using ORIGAMI for detailed spent fuel assembly analysis in safeguards applications
  • ORIGEN activation analysis of the Silene experiment
  • Introduction to the Polaris lattice physics code
  • Generation of SCALE multi-group fast reactor libraries with AMPX
  • MAVRIC cask analysis with ORIGEN spent fuel sources
  • KENO-VI modeling of double heterogeneous reactor systems using TRISO fuel
  • Sampler applied to source term uncertainty

Participants were invited to contribute with presentations on impactful and innovative applications of SCALE.
