2019 SCALE Users’ Group Workshop

SCALE Users' Group Workshop 2019
SCALE Users’ Group Workshop 2019

The 3rd SCALE Users’ Group Workshop was held August 19-21, 2019, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The workshop provided a highly interactive forum for a fruitful exchange between SCALE users and developers and included a mix of technical presentations, open discussions, and tutorial sessions. An evening poster session and reception were held the first day of the meeting. Topical areas for technical presentations included:

  • Advanced reactor modeling with SCALE
  • Applications of SCALE for nuclear criticality safety
  • Applications of SCALE for nuclear safeguards and security
  • Decommissioning, disposal and spent nuclear fuel burnup credit
  • LWR modeling with SCALE
  • Nuclear data for SCALE applications
  • Reactor safety analysis enabled by SCALE

The following tutorials were offered:

  • Activation analysis of the Silene experiment with ORIGEN/MAVRIC
  • Criticality analysis with CSAS/Shift and 3D visualization in Fulcrum
  • Generation of ORIGEN libraries with Polaris
  • Generation of SCALE multi-group libraries with AMPX
  • New Molten Salt Reactor modeling capabilities in TRITON
  • Nodal data generation for core simulators with TRITON/Shift
  • Optimization and uncertainty quantification for criticality safety with Sampler
  • Research reactor source terms with ORIGEN for safeguards applications
  • SCALE utilities for nuclear data interrogation, comparison, and visualization

Participants were invited to contribute with presentations on impactful and innovative applications of SCALE.

